
Flights & Fly endeavors to provide accurate and up-to-date information on our website and through our customer service channels. However, please note that the information provided on our platform is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice.

We strive to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the content, including pricing, flight schedules, and travel information, but we cannot guarantee that all information is error-free or complete. Flight availability, prices, and other details are subject to change without notice due to factors beyond our control, including airline policies, government regulations, and market fluctuations.
Additionally, Flights & Fly is not responsible for any actions taken by users based on the information provided on our website or through our services. Users are encouraged to verify all details directly with the relevant airlines, hotels, or other travel service providers before making any bookings or travel arrangements.
Furthermore, Flights & Fly is not liable for any damages, losses, or inconveniences incurred as a result of using our platform or relying on the information provided herein. Users agree to use our services at their own risk and are solely responsible for their decisions and actions related to travel bookings and arrangements.
By using the Flights & Fly website or services, users acknowledge and accept the terms of this disclaimer. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our customer support team for assistance.

For any further inquiries or questions regarding our site’s disclaimer, feel free to contact us via email at info@flightsnfly.co.uk

Air Fares:
Please note that all fares displayed on our website are not live and are stored in a database, subject to seat availability. Availability within the given range is extremely limited. Kindly contact us to confirm price availability. A booking or admin fee ranging from £15 to £25 may be added.
By utilizing our website, you hereby consent to our disclaimer and agree to its terms.
Should there be any updates, amendments, or changes to this document, they will be prominently posted here.

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